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27 Law Firm Blog Post Ideas For a Steady Stream of Content

Content is king, at least that’s what they say. But it can be challenging to come up with a steady stream of law firm blog post ideas so your potential clients keep coming back. Luckily, we have your back.

There’s inspiration for your blog topics all around you, you just need to know where to look. To make your life easier we thought we’d give you a little nudge in the right direction and share 27 law firm blog post ideas:

Blog post ideas for lawyers

So you’ve purchased your hosting but you’re not sure what to start writing on your law firm blog. Don’t worry, we have you covered:

Cover image for law firm blog post ideas

1. Client case study

Writing up a client case study can help potential clients understand how you practice, what services you provide, and give details on what your process looks like. It also helps highlight the outcome you’ve already obtained for a different client.

Law firms often repost client testimonials instead:

Robert was such a great lawyer, he walked me through my divorce and was with me every step of the way…

That’s feel good content for you, and there is a place and space for that on your law firm website – it’s just not your blog (you can build a testimonials page though!).

Case studies are genuine narratives of your work. If you want to incorporate your client’s great comments about you, interview them. Get them to tell you about the before and after of their story, and you can sprinkle in the legal content that make sense. Then weave this all into a narrative, or edit it into a comprehensive, easy-to-follow interview.

In this context, case studies can be considered a modern client testimonial with a blog-oriented spin. Not only do they illustrate client experience, but they demonstrate your knowledge and help boost search engine optimization (SEO), if it’s done well. A traditional testimonial doesn’t do this. It goes without saying, before you start writing one of these up, make sure you have permission to share your client’s stories on your blog.

2. News commentary

News commentary provides you a great opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge while talking about something your audience is interested in. If something is going on in the media that’s relevant to your law practice, consider putting your own spin on it for the blog.

Let’s say you run a  criminal defense blog, maybe you provide your take on the legalities of the DNA tests that are being conducted to solve historic murders. If you’re running a family law blog, maybe you comment on a celebrity divorce.

Likewise, if a personal injury law blog is your area of expertise, perhaps you talk about winter car crashed when the snow starts to fall. Current events make for great content marketing topics. Need an example? Check out this celebrity divorce commentary by Weinberger Divorce & Family Law Group.

3. Behind-the-scenes peek

Did you hire a new virtual assistant, add a partner or summer associate? Providing a behind-the-scenes look at your law firm shows you’re relatable, personable and that you have a sense of humor. It also helps humanize your brand. People want to work with people, not just businesses. If they feel like they know, like and trust you, they’re more likely to hire you.

Even if you’ve already introduced everyone in the firm, there’s always an opportunity to provide some insights to the origin of the firm, talk about ways you’ve improved services or even share your favorite charity work. These kind of posts are also great paired with videos or original photos, pending you have the technology and time.

4. Informational and how-to content

Informational posts like how to content and step by step guides are great content ideas if you want to demonstrate your expertise, and they really help with business development. People searching the internet are typically looking for answers to their questions.

By providing that information, you’re more likely to be found in search and considered an expert on the topic – especially if you can include relevant keywords throughout the post. Just make sure not to get too technical or sales-y as this will turn off your readers. The goal is to provide value.

Some informational post ideas for your law firm blog include:

  • How to guides (e.g. How to pick the right personal injury lawyer)
  • Step by step instructions (e.g. Steps to take after a car accident)
  • Why focused insights (e.g. Why you want to consider incorporating your business)

Truthfully, you can do an information post on anything that’s of interest to your audience. The key is to make it interesting, informative and keyword rich. The purpose of informational content is to educate your audience and illustrate your expertise. These do not all have to be fully-encompassing, in-depth posts. Quick, easy, helpful content will do!

5. Analyze a big case

Case analysis might not be the best topic in every legal niche, but it’s great for digital marketing to technical industries. For example, if your target audience is big corporations in telecommunications an analysis of new net neutrality laws might be of interest to them. If you have experience with the case or are particularly knowledgeable about the topic, this is a great opportunity to show off your skills.

These do not have to be cases that you’ve worked on. While it’s an added bonus if you have, it’s not necessary. The point is to provide expert commentary that will be of interest to your audience. Note that if you are going to be talking about a case you worked on, it’s another area where you might need to seek permission on.

6. Case round-up

I’ve worked on a few big case round-ups in my time in legal marketing, the biggest are year-end “the top ten cases in [insert niche here]” eBooks. Those make for great handout content for those truly invested in your industry, but a blog post full of interesting cases is a great way to show you’re up-to-date on the latest developments.

If you have a particular focus or area of expertise, this might be a great opportunity to focus the round-up around those topics. For example, if you’re an environmental lawyer you might want to do a case round-up on the top environmental cases of the year.

This could also be an opportunity to discuss cases in industries adjacent to yours. Maybe you don’t practice in that specific area, but it’s relevant to your audience.

7. Bust an industry myth

Industry myths are rampant, and it’s an opportunity to show off not just your knowledge but also your critical thinking skills. This could be something as simple as “you don’t need a will” or “lawyers are all the same.” If there’s a common misconception that you hear on a regular basis, bust it!

Not only is this a great way to show that you know your stuff, but it’s also a way to get people thinking about their situation and whether they really need a lawyer. These legal questions are also sometimes direct keywords, so do some research before writing anything to see if it might be something people are actually searching for online.

8. Interview someone in your network

An easy content idea win that helps demonstrate your knowledge and network is an interview post. These are great because they:

  • Show that you have a network of knowledgeable contacts
  • Demonstrate your ability to thoughtfully interview someone
  • Provide a new perspective for your audience

There are a few ways to go about this. You can either interview someone within your network or, if you have the budget, hire someone to interview an expert for you. These posts can be as simple or in-depth as you want, but try to keep them around 1000 words for SEO purposes.

9. Create a listicle

Listicles can be great content, as long as they’re done well. People love lists because they’re easy to digest and usually provide a lot of value in a small amount of time. But the key is to make sure your list is actually helpful and not just a bunch of fluff.

These posts are also great for SEO because they give you an opportunity to use a lot of keywords (as long as you use them sparingly and don’t stuff your post). A great example of a list post for a legal blog could be “10 things you need to know about divorce in XYZ state.”

11. Provide a useful non-legal guide

You aren’t only confined to legal topics just because you’re a law firm. You want to create content for your law firm website that your audience will be interested in. But there could be topics that are feasibly relevant.

If you’re a family lawyer, perhaps you talk about how to pick the right school for your kids or talk to co-parent after a divorce. If you work in environmental law, perhaps you write about ways to be more eco-friendly.

These topics might seem tangential, but if it’s something your audience is interested in they’ll appreciate the content. And it helps show that you’re a well-rounded person with interests outside of just the law.

12. Content round-up

If you don’t have time to create original content, a content round-up post is a great way to curate content from other sources and provide value to your audience.

These posts can be as simple as linking to a few articles you found interesting with a short description of each. But if you want to put in a little more effort, you can write a more comprehensive post that includes your thoughts on each article.

13. Common mistakes

Common mistakes is a great law firm blog post idea because people want to know what they’re doing wrong, and pat themselves on the back when they avoided something “common.”

These posts provide a good opportunity for you to show off your knowledge and provide value to your audience. But be careful not to make your post too negative or else you’ll turn people off.

A good angle to take is to provide solutions for avoiding the mistakes you’re discussing. This will help point them out and provide a practical solution to solve the issue.

14. Connected series

Writing blog post series content can be a great way to get people to come back for more, and give you a steady stream for content.

These could be tips for success in a certain area, case studies of your work, or something else entirely. The key is to make sure each post stands alone, so people can easily read just one if they want. But you also want to make sure there’s a clear connection between all the posts, so people know it’s a series and not just a bunch of random posts.

Series posts can also be killer for SEO if you do the right research because you can use them to create content clusters which can help boost your site’s overall authority.

15. Write an FAQ

Just like common mistakes, frequently asked questions is another great law firm blog post idea because it allows you to show off your knowledge and provide value. You can also help curb the need to answer common questions by pointing prospective clients in the direction of a resource you have ready for them (your blog post).

Make sure that you address question answers comprehensively, and in a way that is easy to understand. You don’t want to leave your readers with more questions than they had before reading your post!

16. Create a resource list

Resource lists are a great way to provide value to your readers, without doing a ton of work. These types of posts can be anything from a list of books or articles on a certain topic, to websites or podcasts that are interesting and relevant.

The key is to make sure that the resources you’re including are high quality and would be of interest to your audience. You don’t want to just throw a bunch of random things together, or your post will come across as spammy.

17. Create a tools list

Just like a resources list, a tools list can be a great way to provide value without doing a ton of work. These types of posts can be anything from a list of software or apps that you use and recommend, to websites or plugins that are interesting and relevant.

As with resources lists, the key is to make sure that the tools you’re including are high quality and would be of interest to your audience.

18. Content mine from third-party sites

Third-party sites, particularly those that are forums – Reddit, Quora – are a great resource for content ideas. You can search for questions people are asking about topics related to your practice area, and then write a blog post answering those questions.

This is a great way to come up with content that is relevant and interesting to your audience, and that has a good chance of ranking well in Google.

You can double your effort by answering the question on the platform then pointing back to your blog, should the opportunity arise. This allows you to do some off-page SEO work as well!

19. Conduct a survey

Conducting a survey can be great for both helping you improve your overall practice and come up with interesting content ideas that’s relevant to your audience. You can use a tool like SurveyMonkey to create a survey, and then promote it through your social media channels and email list.

Once you have the results, you can write a blog post summarizing the findings. This is a great way to create content that is both interesting and useful, and that can be a great resource for your readers.

20. Add a guest post

One way to mix up your blog content and bring in some new perspectives is to add a guest post from time to time. You can reach out to other experts in your field, or even just people who have interesting stories or perspectives, and ask them if they would be interested in writing a guest post for your blog.

This is a great way to get fresh content, and to give your readers something new to enjoy. Just be sure to vet your guest authors carefully, and to edit their guest posts before publishing, to make sure that they are a good fit for your blog.

Open laptop and a hand holding a phone with an Instagram feed on it

21. Compare something

Comparison posts can be a great way to show off your expertise, services, and provide value to your readers. You can compare something simple like using a lawyer versus handling your own case, or you can go into more detail and compare different types of lawyers (for example, personal injury lawyers, family law lawyers, etc.).

These types of posts can be really helpful for your readers. The key is to make sure you’re providing an objective and fair comparison, if you’re comparing your services with a DIY approach, make sure you still include some “pros” like short-term money savings.

You want to demonstrate it’s a good idea without making your reader feel dumb because they’re considering an alternative.

22. Break down something complex

The law is full of complex topics, and breaking them down into manageable pieces can be a great way to provide value to your audience. If there’s a particularly complex topic that you’re familiar with, write a blog post breaking it down into manageable chunks.

You might need to break down massive topics into smaller posts (hello, series posts!) but this is a great opportunity to answer your reader’s questions before they have them.

23. Seasonal content

Keep an eye on the calendar, and take advantage of seasonal content ideas. This can be anything from writing a post about how to deal with holiday stress, to creating a summer road trip checklist for your clients.

Seasonal content is a great way to add some variety to your blog, and to make sure you’re always creating content that’s relevant. The holiday season also comes with ample opportunity for those dealing with personal injury, labor and/or tort laws with parties, time off, and other relevant topics.

24. Update an old post

A great way to improve your website is to update old content. One of the best things about running a blog is that once you post something you aren’t stuck with it. You can always change it. I am constantly updating my blog content with more up-to-date information, or even just generally to add more information.

When it comes to updating an old law firm blog post, take the time like you would with a new post to go through it with a fine-toothed comb. Make sure you’re optimizing, adding in new and updated information and ensure it sticks with your firm brand.

Google likes new content, so by updating an old post you can improve your SEO. You will also keep your readers coming back for more because they know you are always providing the most up-to-date information. No one likes reading something that is out of date, so if you want to keep your blog relevant you need to be constantly updating it.

25. Repurpose from somewhere else

Blogging doesn’t always have to mean reinventing the wheel. Did you recently do a television interview? Appear on a podcast? Do a relevant presentation? Your blog is a great way to take that content and repurpose it into something else.

You can transcribe your podcast interview and turn it into a blog post, or take the highlights from your presentation and turn them into an easily digestible blog post. This is a great way to get content for your blog without having to start from scratch each time. You can also use this opportunity to cross-promote.

If you have a blog post that does really well, take some of the key points and turn them into a social media post. You can also use this content to create an infographic or a video for your YouTube channel. The possibilities are endless!

26. Tease future content

If you have something big coming up, give your readers a little taste of what’s to come. This could be a new service you’ll be offering, an event you’re hosting, or even just a change in the way you do things.

Use your blog as a way to get people excited about what’s to come. You can even use this opportunity to do some market research. Ask your readers what they want to see from you, and use their answers to guide your future content.

27. Share an industry update

Did something big happen in your industry that your readers need to know about? Use your blog as a way to share updates and news with your audience.

This is a great way to show that you’re on the pulse of what’s going on, and that you’re always looking out for your clients. You can also use this opportunity to share your opinion on the industry news, and to start a conversation with your readers.

Have an idea for your next blog post?

Keeping your blog full of fresh content and up-to-date is a great way to ensure that you’re providing valuable content to both current and future clients. I consider an ongoing blog to be part of a law firm’s active social media presence, and you want to make sure you prioritize it. If you don’t have the capacity, blogging is a great opportunity for you to outsource. Luckily, we have a guide for that!

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